Monday, September 1, 2008

Poor Jack!!

My friends colleague heard that Jack was to be fired at his work place. My friend decided to go to the manager and confront him about this. When she got to the manager she said, "You are really not being fair when you say jack should be fired just because he is physically challenged. Are you forgetting that Jack is the one who always keeps the firm from losing at of money when all the big deals don't pull through? He is one of the best employees so please stop being so unfair.

My friend being the arguer here is trying to sidetrack the manager using red herring fallacy by raising irrelevant issue and claiming the original issue has been settled by the raise of the irrelevant diversion.

Angelina Jolie

I was sitting by the school library when i overheard the following conversation between a girl and boy.

Girl: "Angelina is trafficking drugs into the US together with husband Brad Pitt."

Boy: "No they are not, that is so untrue."

Girl: "Well can you prove that they are not?"

Boy: "No i can't.

From what i learned from critical thinking I immediately realized that the girl was using the burden of proof fallacy. She found it hard to support her claim so then she shifted the responsibility to the boy.


In the princess diary it reads, "Princess Diana is very pretty because she has a shiny and glowing skin. She has a glowing and shiny skin because she takes care of it quite well. She takes care of her skin because she is so pretty.

it came to my mind that the author here was using circular argument to explain the princess's beauty. The author created an endless circle because the conclusion appears at the beginning and the end of the argument.

Power and Influence

I read an article last year about the mayor of Chicago. An anonymous person had said that the mayor is the most powerful man he's ever known. And when he was asked why he mentioned that the mayor was a very influential man

When i came read this article i realized that the man had used petitio principii fallacy to explain why he said the mayor was powerful. Influential and power means the same thing.