Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Better School

I was in the KL monorail when a woman told a friend that he should send his child to Multimedia University. When she was asked why she said that she talked to the dean of the school and he had mentioned that the university is the next big thing in the future.

Relation to BCT;
The woman was using ad populum appeal to authority. She was making a linkage with someone who's wiser so that her friend will agree with her argument


A man was being accused of theft and the plaintiff wanted him to go to jail. The robbers attorney pleaded the jury not to take the man to jail because he is just a poor old man trying to make a living. She also said that the man is taking care of her little sister and that there would be no one to take care of her when he's in jail. The attorney also stressed that the man has no parents and has to do odd jobs to take care of himself and his younger sister.

Relation to BCT;
Here we see that the attorney is using ad populum appeal to pity. She is trying to evoke pity and sympathy with their situation.

A Story about me

I was having breakfast with my family last Sunday. we were just talking about the news with my brother when my mother suddenly started shouting, "Listen!, Either you study hard at school or or your chances of getting a good job will be very negligible.

Relation to BCT;
In this case, we see that my mother was using ad populum appeal to force (scare tactics). She is persuading me by using by using some threat of violence for me to accept the conclusion.